The outcome of the military operations during the past 24 hours in Afrin and its countryside

Despite the issuance of the international resolution of 2401 by UN security council, which biddes all of the conflicting parts in Syria to stop the military combats, however, the Turkish state and its allied terrorist factions keep their aggression against our people in Afrin underestimating the international resolution. Our forces responded to the Turkish attacks defending themselves.

1- Raju: the national units of the Syrian army engaged with the Turkish invasion army and its terrorist factions when they tried to advance towards the town. The engagements coincided with Turkish raids on the area. As a result of the raids, 2 fighters of national units got martyred and 3 wounded.
Haj Khalil village also was targeted indicriminatly by the Turkish artillery, where 3 shells landed on civilian homes and caused casualties within the ranks of the civilians.
In the vicinity of Mosaka village yesterday , the Turkish invasion army and its terrorist factions tried to advance towards the village, accordingly, our forces engaged with the invaders and destroyed 2 military vehicles, while the other invaders fled.
In Gewandeh village, the Turkish army and the terrorist factions tried to make advances this morning. Our forces replled their attacks and the clashes are ongoing until writing this report.

2- Jinderes: the Turkish army and the terrorist factions tried to make progress towards Hejiler village, as a result, our forces engaged with the invaders and killed 8 terrorists including Turkish soldiers.
Today at 1:00 am, the Turkish warplanes bombed the Jinderes town which lasted for hours.
Last night, there were repeated attacks by the Turkish army in Bafelur village. The Turkish attacks were repelled by our forces. The engagements last for hours and as a result, the invaders suffered heavy losses.
It is worth noting that all of the Turkish attempts to advance were supported by Turkish hovercrafts and jets.
This morning, the Turkish jets carried out strikes on Yalanqoz village committing a massacre against the civilians, where the Kurdish Red Cresent was pulling out the corpses under the rubel until writing this report.

3- Shiyeh: the Turkish jets re-striked indiscriminately the safe villages in this axis. The villages of Anqleh and Sinarah were targets of the Turkish raids last night.
This morning the clashes renewed and expanded to Anqelh, Sinarah and Qara Mitlig villages, accompanied by artillery shelling which was ongoing until writing this report.
All of the combats during the past 24 hours led to the death of 5 Turkish soldiers and at least 50 members of terrorist factions and 60 terrorists wounded.
Moreover, our forces confirmed that they destroyed 3 Turkish tanks and targeted 6 military vehicles.


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