Find new mass graves in Tabqa city

As part of the operations carried out by the municipality of the people in Tabqa  city of rubble and cleaning the city from the effects of the war, last week and with the help of some parents found several bodies in different places of the city class.

The bodies recovered from the rubble of the buildings of the first and second buildings. Last week, the cleaning staff of the People’s Municipality found several bodies belonging to a family of 12 people who blew up their house by Dahesh, who accused them of dealing with the regime according to eyewitnesses, In a garden opposite the Arif bakery  next to the main street south of the city.

Municipal workers also found bodies belonging to nine members of the Daesh group buried in a garden next to the Ibn Zaydoun school in their full dress. Two unidentified bodies were also found in another part of the city.

Immediately after the bodies were found, the city’s People’s Health Committee set up a committee to exhume the bodies, identify them and then bury them in the city’s cemetery.



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