The outcome of the Turkish occupation attacks against NE Syria on December 2, 2022

On the thirteenth day of the Turkish aggression against NE Syria, around 83 villages and farms were bombarded with heavy artillery, tanks UAVs.

The shelling focused on the areas of Al-Shahba’a, heavily populated with IDPs who were forcibly displaced from Afrin by the Turkish occupation.


 An additional outcome of December 1, 2022:



1 – Afrin and Al-Shahba Region:

The villages of Sheikh Issa, Madyoun, Ziwan, Mennig, Al-Sha’ala, Tat Marrash, Tannb, Al-Shawargha, Al-Malikiyah, Maranaz, Aqiba, Soganaka, and Mayassa were all shelled by heavy artillery and mortar shells.

The villages of Maranaz, al-Malikiyah, and Tat Marash were also targeted with DShK weapons.

The occupation mercenaries attacked the village of “Madoun”, but their attack was thwarted by our forces.

2 – Al Jazeera Region:

A- Tal Tamir:

The village of “Al-Kuzliya” was targeted five times by the Turkish heavy artilleries. The village of Um al-Kayf was also targeted with DShK weapons.


3 – Euphrates Region:

A- Kobane:

The villages of Tal Abar, Charqli, Kuran, and Kharab Baysan were also hit by heavy artillery, mortars, and DShK weapons.


B- Gri Spi / Tal Abyad:

The villages of “Muallaq, Khalidiya, Al-Dib, Al-Jdeideh, Saida, Al-Salibi, and Abed Kouri” were bombarded with heavy artillery and DShK weapons.


C – Ain Isa:

The villages of “Al-Mushairfa and Al-Fatsa” were subjected to heavy artillery shells, and two to mortar shells. The village of Al-Mushairfa was targeted by a UAV strike.

Our forces responded directly and continuously to all those attacks.

D – Al-Terwaziya:

The countryside of the Um al-Baramil town was targeted 4 times with heavy artillery, 6 times with mortar shells, and DShK weapons.


The outcome of December 2, 2022:


1 – Afrin and Al-Shahba’a Region:

The villages of Ain Daqna, Bayloniya, Mennig, Sheikh Issa, Samuqah, Ziwan, Al-Sha’ala, Maranaz, Al-Malikiyah, Tat Marrash, Binh/Ibin, Soganaka, and Mayassa were shelled 54 times by heavy artillery.

The occupation mercenaries attacked the village of “Mayassa”, but their attack was thwarted by our forces.

2 – Al Jazeera Region:

A- Tal Tamir:

The villages of Al-Kuzlia and Al-Tawila were shelled by heavy artillery.


B- Zarkan:

The villages of “Bobi, Dada Abdal, and Al-Asadiya” were subjected to /3/ heavy artillery shells.


3 – Euphrates Region:

A- Kobane:

The villages of “Al-Ziyara, Zour Maghar, Charqli, Tal Sha’ir, Al-Shuyoukh Fawqani, Tal Ahmed Mounir, and Saftak” were subjected to 14 mortar shells.

The outposts of Damascus government forces located in the villages of Zour Maghar, Al-Ziyara, and Sfetak were also targeted.


B- Gri Spi / Tal Abyad:

The villages of “Muallaq, Al-Debs, Al-Mushairfa, Al-Jdeideh, Abu Surra, Kur Hassan, Saida, Bir Katik, Al-Salibi, and the International Road (M4)” were shelled by heavy artillery.

The shelling on the Al-Mushairfa village resulted in injuring one soldier belonging to the Damascus Government forces.


C – Ain Isa:

A checkpoint in the village of “Al-Heisha” was targeted with mortar shells, and the “Al-Burj” point was targeted with Dushka weapons.


D – Manbij:

The Kara Quzaq bridge was targeted with heavy artillery, and the village of al-Muhsenli was targeted with BKC weapons and (B-7) rockets.

The village of Kawkle was targeted by a UAV strike.

E– Al-Terwaziya:

The countryside of the Um al-Baramil and al-Fawaz towns was bombarded two times with heavy artillery, and two times by mortars, in addition to DShK weapons.


SDF Media Center

December 3, 2022

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