Deir Ezzor | Al-Shaitat Clan Commends SDF Efforts in Protecting the Region Against the Syrian Regime Aggressions

Al-Shaitat clan issued an official statement today commending the Democratic Syria Forces (SDF) for their relentless efforts to protect the region from the repeated attacks of the Syrian regime and its affiliated militias.

The statement was recited by Sheikh Abdul Rahman al-Dughaifj in which they highlighted the SDF’s crucial role in thwarting the regime’s attempts to destabilize the area. The clan expressed deep appreciation for the SDF’s swift and effective response to these attacks, emphasizing their instrumental contribution to maintaining security and stability.

The Al-Shaitat clan pledged unwavering support to the SDF, affirming its unity and solidarity with all components of the region. The statement underscored that this cohesion, centered around the SDF, is essential for safeguarding the gains achieved through the sacrifices of martyrs.

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