Our forces and the international coalition hold an important meeting with the tribal leaders and dignitaries of Deir Ezzor

Under the auspices of the Deir Ezzor Military Council, our Syrian Democratic Forces and the International Coalition Forces held a meeting with the tribal leaders and dignitaries of Deir Ezzor on Thursday.

Discussions centered on security concerns throughout the region, with a particular focus on Deir Ezzor. Additionally, attendees addressed challenges related to service provision in the area. Luqman Khalil, a member of the SDF General Command, delivered a speech highlighting the ongoing threats posed by the Turkish occupation, ISIS, and the Syrian regime to northeastern Syria.

Khalil reaffirmed the SDF’s commitment to maintaining stability and security in the region. He underscored the importance of regional unity in supporting the SDF’s efforts to achieve lasting safety.

He emphasized that the SDF will continue its duties in protecting the region with all its components. Khalil pointed to the continuous and ongoing coordination between the SDF and the sheiks and dignitaries of the tribes and clans in the region as the main pillar in ensuring security and civil peace. He stressed that this solidarity among the region’s various groups forms a united front that protects the region from all threats.

Sheikhs and dignitaries attending the meeting also raised concerns about the dangers posed by ISIS terrorist cells and those affiliated with the Syrian regime. They emphasized their unwavering support for the SDF in preserving regional security and stability.

Representatives from the International Coalition Forces reiterated their continued support for the SDF. They expressed a desire to strengthen their partnership and provide all possible assistance to help the SDF confront terrorist organizations and maintain regional security and stability.

These meetings and ongoing coordination with tribal leaders are seen as a crucial step towards establishing long-term and short-term security, stability, and peace in the region and throughout Syria. This collaborative effort is believed to contribute significantly to increased community cohesion and a stronger foundation for social peace.

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