Physical Therapy House in Al – Hasakah

Hasakah – The Physical Therapy House in Hasakah helps and treatment to fighters who have suffered combat injuries.

Where the fighters in the ranks of SDF to the injury of nerve and muscle may reach the extent of disability, the House of physical therapy provides the necessary treatment and health care for them.

Abdullah Suleiman Physiotherapist Specialist in the House of Physical Therapy: talked about the services provided by the House, saying:

The number of fighters under treatment at the house increased, after its opening several months and the graduation of a number of fighters has been treated after their health was hopeless, which increased the number of injured and raise morale and desire to heal. The house receives all SDF from Al-Jazeera territory.

and provide psychological treatment and support to the fighters by organizing parties and events that sends the same fighter strength and determination to overcome the injury.

Suleiman said that about 20 patients treated each month, and that a number of patients have treated 1000 patients since the establishment of the house, we continue to provide treatment according to the available means.

SDF, Media Center


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